
Dominic Green is a multi-disciplinary artist and storyteller from Prince George’s County, Maryland, currently focused on film, photography, and playwriting. From a young age, Dominic has been fascinated with the duality of good and evil. This fascination was rooted in a religious upbringing, and stories of good and evil found in the biblical text. Through these stories, Dominic developed a curiosity around the backstories of their characters, and how a moment seemed to shape the rest of their lives. Dominic uses his lens and writing to explore this central tension and fundamental questions of fairness and bias rooted in perception.

In his debut short film, “The Black Body,” explored a young black professional that discovers he can’t escape the depravity of White America’s harrowing present day. He continued to push the narrative of duality and perspective with his followup films “Can You See Me” in 2018 and “Ports of Habit” in 2019. In February 2020, Green debuted “Awaken Brown Eyes” as part of the Atlas Intersections Festival at the Atlas Theater in Washington, DC. He recognizes that feeling in film, photography, or art must be genuine; it cannot be borrowed or adopted. This is what he looks to achieve in the moments he writes or captures through a lens: real emotion that can be experienced and shared. Greens films and photography paints the world through a lens filled with sensitivity and thoughtfulness.

Dominic has exhibited locally at Bowie Arts Committee, The Cheshire, and The Nicholson Project. He was awarded residencies in 2011 at Peter Waddell’s The Toy Theatre, in 2019 at The University of Maryland and in 2020 at The Nicholson Project. In the words of Dominic,

“I write, I film, I photograph. For me, it all feels like the same thing. At my core, I am a storyteller.”

In his work, Dominic is inspired by religion, mythology, comic books, and a desire to explore identity and origin stories. His ultimate goal is to spark dialogues around identity and bias and to provide alternative imagery that is often missing from the conversation.

Learn more about Dominic’s on Instagram @thewritingdirector




In “Perception x Agency,” Resident Dominic Green challenges the ways we look at others, particularly people of color. Drawing on the Artist’s previous work as a playwright and filmmaker, this exhibit brings ancient myths into the modern realm, while simultaneously presenting black people as complete, complex beings, beyond the simplistic caricatures embedded in cultural imagery. Perception x Agency calls forth new mythology around black and brown bodies that has been missing from literature and culture. Ultimately, the exhibition challenges the viewer to harness these ancient myths as vehicles for discovery and growth.


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