Ama BE

MARCH 2024


Ama BE is a US-born Ghanaian, transdisciplinary artist who explores African relationships to land cultivation, labor, and migration. She works with botanical materials, many of which carry antithetical ties to hegemonic trade, violent labor migrations, spirituality, and holistic remedy. Her practice probes at porous spaces between time, materiality, sentience, and memory to propose nuance in the performance of African cosmologies and embodiment of Africanfuturity.

Her current work engages botanics as primary source and material collaborator, as she unearths stories of African land stewardship, indigenous wisdom and visceral cultural memory. Her resulting plant-based sculptural pieces compose a body of work that exists as reconstructed archives of the intimate labor of land cultivation. The works are documented translations of botanical language that narrate African-indigenous histories of agency, complicity and sentient conversations held through contact with the earth.

Learn more about Ama’s work here.