EXHIBITION: March 7 - April 18, 2020
OPENING RECEPTION: March 7, 3-5pm, 2020
In “Perception x Agency,” Resident Dominic Green challenges the ways we look at others, particularly people of color. Drawing on the Artist’s previous work as a playwright and filmmaker, this exhibit brings ancient myths into the modern realm, while simultaneously presenting black people as complete, complex beings, beyond the simplistic caricatures embedded in cultural imagery. Perception x Agency calls forth new mythology around black and brown bodies that has been missing from literature and culture. Ultimately, the exhibition challenges the viewer to harness these ancient myths as vehicles for discovery and growth.
We've all made "good" and "bad" choices in our lives, and how strangers perceive us in those moments can often color their perception of us indefinitely.

Perception X Agency will remain on exhibit March 7- April 18, 2020.
Click below to learn more about Dominic, his residency, and his work.